To Dargan -

~ Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes Piglet?" .... "Nothing" said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.
"I just wanted to be sure of you." ~

There haven't been many friendships that have lasted so long as the one between my friend Dargan and I. :) Before she came along, my sister and I were happily friends with her siblings, and then all of a sudden ... a girl to play with, around my age. :)

We all got along famously well. Like Pooh and Piglet. ;) So many childhood memories revolve around what Dargan and I did, or where we went, or what on earth we almost got in trouble for. :) I know we were way more blessed than we knew ....

(Mrs. D's picture ... from when we were young. :) )

I feel like as we grew up, we still stayed close in different ways. Even though, Dargan, you went to public school, and I cried because I knew it was all going to change .... and the once a week get-togethers had to fade off, because our time schedules were different, and so was school, and then .... all of a sudden, we were growing up. There's something though, that stays dear. :)

I love that Pooh quote, because it's exactly how I feel we are. Remember every Sunday we would run screaming to see each other, and give each other huge hugs? Well, I guess some things never change. The hugs are still awesome. :) But I also remember so many times, coming up behind each other, slipping an arm around the other's waist, or slipping a hand into another, resting our heads together....just being sure of the other person.

We are different friends than we were at childhood, and we have different lives and friends and everything else, but we share the same precious Savior and the bond of being His daughters.

Something sweet has stayed, from knowing you will love me even if I mess up, and I will love you the same way back. Maybe it comes from being friends for about 20 years. :) Maybe it's because our lives have been so entwined for so long, that it's normal to think back on childhood and think of Dargan and Jean. My childhood forever holds deep memories of us.

and I think that makes us so special. :)

Jean and Dargan - July 2011

I love you so so much, and always will. :) My dear, longest friend ....
Thank you so so much for the years of friendship, adventures, and expeditions. :)
Happy 21st birthday, and all the joys that come with knowing you are so loved,
~ Jean Marie ~


  1. I loved those sweet little girls then--and I love them now!!!--mcd


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