To: Miss. Olivia -

... Happy, Happy 14th birthday, dearest girl! :D I hope you have a most wonderful day! Yes, everyone, her birthday really is today, on the 4th of July. Makes it twice as special, ain't so? :)

I've known the Stone family now for... um, say - 7 years? I actually think it might be longer than that, but anyways, she was young and would lay her head upon her Mama's shoulder in church. :) That's what I remember.

It was only a couple years ago that Olivia was the "beloved little sister", and suddenly, she was a sweet and close friend of mine! The day that I woke up to find that being around you, Olivia, was ... unarguably fun and side-splitting hysterical and full of hugs and sweetness ...was a good day. :) You, Miss. Olivia, are such a dear friend to me now... I love having a "younger sister", too, but even more ... a best friend. :) I'm so thankful you bless me with your friendship! I have so many memories with and of you, and I love the thought of making so many more! Thank you for always loving me, being encouraging, accepting my hugs all the time, listening to me, praying for me, sharing life with me, making me laugh, and always greeting me cheerily! :)

Dear girl, you are 14! How the years fly by! I sound old when I say that. Oh, well. :) We'll have fun being "old and decrepit" as I was recently (ahem) called by one of your sisters. HAH. I love spending time with you and hearing more and more of your heart! Love you SO much, Livvy! M'WAH! :D Happy 14th birthday!

Proof that she once was 2006.

2008 - Mrs. Stone talking with her youngest treasure. A tender moment.
Barberville 2008 ... with Mattie and Audrey. :)
An important and lovely part of the Stone Family Band. - Barberville Spring '09
AH! Love her! Some pictures before the Superbowl '09. :) Sooo pretty you are, love!
Olivia and I .... bitter rivals of camera mastery and photo taking. Ok, ok, not bitter. Beloved? :) Haha. Much better! I can see her pondering her next move now....
YES! I stole this! Any credit goes to Olivia, who was taking the picture. But I had to steal it, because I wanted one of us, and I just love this one so much. :) Great job, Livs!
I love you so, so, SO MUCH, Olivia, and hope and pray your 14th birthday is a lovely one...and your year - one of falling even more so in love with our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ! :D

Ever grateful for grace!
~ Jean Marie

P.S. Scroll down for the Independence Day post! I had no other choice but to do two right on top of each other since they share the day! :D Twice the joy, eh? Farewell, peasant readers! :D


  1. It is so true, dear Olivia!

    You have grown into such a beautiful, godly young woman! :) And you have been to sweet to me!

    Love and prayer for you on this special day . . .
    In Christ, Kimberly

  2. Happy birthday, Olivia! * hug*

  3. A darling creature if I do say so me-self!
    We celebrate her precious life,
    though she be a'campin'.
    ~Love her so.

    {{* *}}
    for 5 Lynns


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