Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day here in America.
I woke up thinking it was just another day, until 12 noon when I went outside, and remembered there was no mail service....and I hated that I had forgotten. I know the veterans haven't. How could they? And what DO you say on a day like this? You cannot greet people with a "Happy Veterans Day!!!", or even a "It's Veterans Day!". You cannot turn it into an event that is not solemn and reverent...although we rejoice that the men and women are veterans, after all, we are solemn as we realize their deep sacrifices. For our country's honor. For our freedom. They were the servants for us, and we fail to thank them.
So what CAN I say?
There is nothing else to say than a deep heartfelt - "Thank you."

My daddy served in the Vietnam War...he served to honor and preserve his country, he served because the US called men to do so, and he did so because he was raised to love America's freedoms and was called to help out "over there". He did what was right, even when others said it wasn't. He honored his country. And he is my hero. I love you, Daddy, thank you.

To every Veteran - I thank you.
~ Jean Marie


  1. Very nice post, I like the flag. :)

  2. Yes, very nice post...
    ~A most frustrated Emily

  3. I love your pictures and your post for dad was so sweet, Jean.

  4. *chanting*

  5. lol, Do you think you can conceal your identity by simply putting anonymous?

  6. That's what I was thinking, Joseph. :D Ha, was Ione. :D

  7. What have I to conceal, good sir. I'm certain I can conceive what you and the lady are talking about.

  8. *can't* conceive

  9. *cough cough*
    (whispers) it was anna...

  10. WAS NOT! Ha, hahahah, hah HAHAha....
    everyone else who reads these comments are not going to get what is going on here...ahhaha...I'm certain you CAN conceive, our dear Violet-Colored Stone! hah ha...
    Love you!


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