Ed & Mary Ellen - 23 years.

Tomorrow is a very special day for two very special people. It is their 23rd anniversary. And they are my parents - Edward and Mary Ellen. They are so special, it is ridiculous....my sister Kimberly and I love them more than life. They make our lives mostly on track just because they guide us in loving Godliness. They are amazing, kind, loving us always, forgiving, and work so hard at being parents. They deserve some praise on such a special day. Mom and Dad, I love you, and am so glad you are our parents! Happy 23rd Anniversary! It is your half-golden one! :)

Their November 23rd wedding picture among the California fall leaves.

Need I mention that they are both SO beautiful and handsome to me?
And along came Baby Blessing No.1 - Kimberly. 5/'87
A sweet picture of mom and dad after I was born - '88. Aww.
And there are two very good reasons why there is not a baby picture of me in a family picture on here, and that is because: a. Finding a good family pic w/everyone is hard/impossible, and b. I was a little stick. Here are Kimberly and I standing in an upside down chair. :D 1989
And we all grew up. Sort of. I haven't yet...but anyway...this is in St. Augustine, 2006.
A rainy day in Pigeon Forge, TN, 2008.
And a family picture at church - August 2008.
And lastly, a sweet picture of mom and dad just two weeks ago - Nov. 2008.
And I simply must tell you all something. I scanned the old pictures today, in secret, and they didn't find out. Neat, huh? But, wait, there's more. I taught myself how to scan pictures today...by myself. Okay, okay, so it was almost self-explanatory....still. I was proud of my achievement.

This is the exciting thing - I pulled off such a major heist getting the wedding pictures, I am still giddy over it. So. My mom has her wedding album in a box in her closet, the topmost box, about 3 feet taller than my height. I had to get it out of there, without aid of a chair/ladder while they were in the bedroom. Yes, I know. Scary. I also had to get it back in before they realized I had come in. Or Mom realizing I had her album that she is (cough) protective of. I know you all are on the edge of your seats, so I will continue. I opened the door to their bedroom, slipped into the closet, and assessed the situation. (Enter the Indiana Jones theme song) It was the heavy black box on top....hmmm...I put one foot on a plastic edge of a box, put my left hand on the wooden shelf, pulled myself up gingerly, and grabbed the box, and let go of the shelf, dropping back on the floor, almost soundlessly. Ha. I opened the closet door, peeked out, and got out of there as quietly and quickly as I could....then, I shut myself in the computer room, put a sticker on the door saying I was busy- don't come in, and barricaded the door with a stool. (Enter triumphant Indiana Jones theme song) I open it up, carefully slip out the desired pictures and scan them, carefully put them back in, and box the album back up, unbarricade the door, and nervously open their bedroom door again. I am about to enter when I see a shadow approaching, I close the door, and run as fast as I can down the hallway saying "Don't look! Don't look!", put the box in my bedroom, slam the door, then slam the study door, and stand in the hallway smiling a frozen and cheesy smile. Mom laughed, and agreed to my desire to "do" something in her closet. Phew. I put it back, balancing the box on my head while I climbed, praying my wrist won't snap, and put it away. Sigh. The great heist was pulled off. I was safe. And victorious. And giddy beyond reason.

Oh, and for one more smile out of you all....my friend in England was egging me on the whole way. So if mom and dad kill me for this, you can blame it on Sarah Magee. Because it really was all done in love. You know it was.

Happy Anniversary, Dad and Mom.
~ Jean Marie


  1. What a WONDERFUL post! And want great lengths you went to, Jean Marie, to make it happen! :) Although I think it should've been Mission Impossible music playing... ;)

    Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Fambrough!!!

    much love, Laurie

  2. Wow. That's quite a story, Jean! I can really relate, because I like to create surprises for others as well. I don't know why... I guess I don't get out much! lol :D

    Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR. AND MRS. FAMBROUGH! May God bless you with at least 23 more! ;)

  3. Happy anniversary to you,
    happy anniversary to you,
    happy anniversary
    Mr. and Mrs. Fambro-oouughhhh!
    *Have many more!!!!!*
    Anna :)

  4. Hi Jean Marie,
    You are so funny Jean and so cute in how you write! Please tell your precious parents "Happy Anniversary". They are so, so special to us! We love and appreciate them lots!
    The Littmann Family

  5. Miss you my dear dear mommy and daddy! God has blessed me so richly to have such a godly faithful loving husband and wife as my parents! . . . with much love . . . your daughter always, Kimberly

    Dearest Jean, thank you for doing this post! It is so very special to me! You are such a sweet and faithful daughter. :) . . . much love . . . your sis always, Kimberly

  6. Oh, Jean Marie!

    I'm late in reading your post, but I could imagine all the details of your 'mission' of love with all of the details you supplied your readers! You are a dear sweet daughter.

    Mary Ellen and Ed, Happy Belated Anniversary. I must say that you both are more handsome and beautiful than ever! You make a wonderful couple and it is our honor and blessing to be your friends.

    Love, Julia and Michael Stone


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