An Autumn Giveaway! -

I know, I know, now that I posted that picture above what I'm writing, you will all be distracted by it, and not even .... HEY!! Down here!!! Hahahahah! You saw the "yellow dress pictures", well this is what I shot in the meantime ... you didn't think I'd miss the chance to shoot as well, did ya'? ;) But this post isn't about how stinkin' much I love that girl ...

oh wait. it might be. anyways.

Lauren is having a giveaway over on her blog!!
We love autumn. It's just the way we roll.

NOW. In case you are new to all this, you click on the gorgeous banner she made and head on over to her site, and she will tell ya' what to do to enter! :) It's so easy, like stealing candy from a .... I don't like that saying. It's as easy as turning on Country and waiting for me to break out into dancing. How's that? ;) I don't mind if you leave me a comment too. haha.

Lauren does these giveaways occasionally and ALL I have to say is: A. She is sweet and generous, and B. Her products are inSANE. Whenever I run out of her sugar scrub, I whine and fret, and wonder how in the world I can think of a good excuse to drive 1 hour to get more. really. (cough) except for the whining and fretting. *looks innocent*

ok. maybe really.

but this was never about me. So go on and ENTER!! :)
Tell her I sent you, and give her some LOVE ...

I love you, my Lowie ....
In Christ,
~ Jean Marie ~

... and if you are a GUY ... Cowboy UP, and ENTER for Pete's sake, because whichever girl, sister, mother, aunt, cousin, grandmother, teacher, etc ... you give it to will love you forever.
The End.
