Mon Dieu est bon -

Mon Dieu est bon (mon Dieu est bon),
Mon Dieu est bon (mon Dieu est bon)

Mon Dieu est bon (mon Dieu est bon),
Il est bon pour moi.

My God is good (my God is good),
My God is good (my God is good),

My God is good (my God is good),
He is good for me." - Hymn sung in Benin, Africa

~ My Lord, He is good for me, He is so good for me.
He is so good for me, when my heart is breaking, He is so good for me when I knoweth not what to do, or how to understand, He is so good for me when perhaps this side of the veil we never will hear or see "Why?". My Lord, He doeth all things well, and His love never, ever fails.
Mon Dieu est bon (mon Dieu est bon), Il est bon pour moi!
My God is good, (my God is good), my God is good for me.

So thankful this is so,
~ Jean Marie

(Psalm 103)

... written while thinking of the 27th and the Stone family in mind.


  1. What a beautiful song! Thank you Jean for sharing it.



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