I don't hear so well -

February 17th, 2012

I think I've listened to this song about as many times as I have "Come, All Ye Pining", and while that one is shooting up on my "most played" list on my ipod, this one has been gaining ground this past week. I'm not really in the middle of huge decisions, but instead feel like every little decision is a huge one. Do you know what I mean? Every little thing is so big right now, because my mind is so full of everything, and I think it is just scrambling to hold on to everything, because soon it will be 5 years, and I won't be able to remember as well how her voice sounds and how she smiled.

And I feel like I can barely hear God through the din of my heart breaking and my soul crying.
And I feel like I'm so desperate to hold on to memories, that I'm actually losing ground every day.
And I know that He tore the veil, and I know He is still so near to me right now, but I miss Him.
I miss Him whispering when I know that I am at rest, and right then, there is nothing I need to do.
And I know He is telling me to wait. To trust. To obey. To listen. To know He is always loving us.
To be still and know that He is GOD.

... but these days, I just don't hear so well, Jesus. Just not so well ...

and if you are with me on that one....this song is for you. Listen along here, while you read the lyrics.

With many prayers for those of you facing big decisions or trials or loss,
I love you,
~ Jean Marie ~

"Hello Lord" by Sara Groves

"Hello Lord, it's me Your child, I have a few things on my mind.
Right now I'm faced with big decisions,
 and I'm wondering if You have a minute,
'cause right now I don't hear so well,
and I was wondering if You could speak up.  

I know that You tore the veil, 
So I could sit with You in person, 
and hear what You're saying, but right now, 
I just can't hear You. 

I don't doubt Your sovereignty, I doubt my own ability 
to hear what You're saying and to do the right thing, 
and I desperately want to do the right thing. 
But right now I don't hear so well, 
and I was wondering if You could speak up. 

I know that You tore the veil, 
So I could sit with You in person, 
and hear what You're saying, but right now, 
I just can't hear You. 

And somewhere in the back of my mind, 

I think You are telling me to wait. 
And though patience has never been mine, 
Lord, I will wait to hear from You. 

Oh, Lord, I'm waiting on You! 

Right now I don't hear so well, 
and I was wondering if You could speak up. 

I know that You tore the veil, 
So I could sit with You in person, 
and hear what You're saying, but right now, 
I think You're whispering .... "


  1. He will help you, he will make silent in you so that you could be able to hear Him, no doubts, you're his sheep, you know the voice of you shepherd and you listen to it.


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