Sweet Man Stellan

Hello, friends -

I have a special request for you today. A prayer request, that is, for another family that I have never met, and only just this past week left a comment upon their blog. I have, however, been following it for a while...you bloggy people know what I mean, and my heart has been tied to theirs by the thread of brothers and sisters in Christ. They are husband, wife, and 4 children. Three boys, one girl. Their little baby boy, Stellan, is in need of some serious prayer time before our Holy and Loving Father. You can read his story, and the latest of what has been going on over on MckMama's blog, and you can also follow her twitter on the left side of her blog. She's been updating, things are scary, and God is all-knowing. Please pray for Stellan and his family with me and so many others. You would be lifting up your "holy nation family" in prayer. :) (Ligonier thing, sorry)

And...if you are struggling with prayer right now, like maybe I have been for... a... while. Ahem! Read her post on "To Him be the glory". It is truth, grounded truth in God's Word. And it is heart-calming and spirit nourishing and giving it all up for the glory of our Father.

I love you all...
In prayer to my Lord,
~ Jean Marie


  1. Jean Dear, our God has given you such a tender heart for our brothers and sisters in trials - even when we hardly know them. Thank you. Am praying . . . love always, your sis'

  2. Thank you for joining me! I love your profile pic, Miss. Laura! :D
    Love you...
    and Sister dearest...I love you, dolly. A prayerful heart comes from a prayerful mind asking God for the love of His people! :D

    God bless,
    ~ Jean Marie


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