A Georgia Visit -
Man, I felt like I just received a present. I came back to my blog after taking a break for dinner, and there, lo and behold, all the pictures were uploaded for this blogpost. I mean, ignore the fact that I did all that work, and just realize that it FELT like someone else had done it. hahaha.
Well, back in July, the 24th, to be exact, I had been having a super stressful and emotional week. So what did I do? I wrote Emily and asked if she would like a visit, and if I could help with projects around the house, and for Georgia's upcoming 1st birthday party, and sweetly....she said YES.
So on a Wednesday morning, I drove over. And it was such a great day. We went to Publix and bought Nutella and then ate it with crackers and ate it without crackers, and watched Behind the Scenes of the Lion King, and watched Simon's Cat and watched amazed as Georgia right away grew extremely excited about the cats on the screen, took photos of G having a super splashy bath time after dinner, played around with my GoPro with the cats, and playing with Georgia .... I came away so blessed and with a heart so full in the very best way.
We shared and talked and blinked back tears sometimes, and just vented. Then we'd laugh hysterically and just say it how it is, and then we'd be quiet...and start all over again on the next topic. I just flat out love being best friends with Emily. She's the bomb diggity. She's such a sweet little sassy pants.
Ok. On to the photos!! :D
G was all of 10 months when I took these photos, now she is 11 months! And in a few weeks, she will be 1 year! It makes me get all melty and possibly head towards a meltdown over how fast she's grown up.

You know I can resist a lot of things, but not a giraffe diaper. Nope. Not that. So insaaanely cute.

I mean, she comes by the cuteness honestly, but holy cow. LOOK AT HER. mmmmhmm.

Emily playing with Oliver....

"Do you want to come see Ollie, baby?"

"We are allowed under the table? Well this is fun..."

Yep, the light was crazy-sweet.


Blowing bubbles. (she's wearing the diaper still, I promise)

"Hmmm. Your camera looks different from Mama's...."

That tongue!!

Told you. Giraffe patookey.

Oh my heart.

Those sweet little feet.

Climbing the stairs!!

Oh, that wrinkled brow of concentration.

She was playing with a box on the floor.....

.... when suddenly she spied her Mama.
If that doesn't make your heart melt, you might not be alive. LOVE. that face.

"Shoes! Putting on our shoes!! Going to Publix for Nutella!"
By the way, I bought that shirt-dress for G from Janie and Jack and I adore it. Obviously.

Doll baby.

Reading nursery rhymes to Georgia later that afternoon.

I love every single minute with her.

But I'm not sure she understood why I started laughing hysterically at the nursery rhymes. I couldn't even read straight! She kept looking at me like "Yes. I know these. Why are you laughing about it?" Hahahahaha.

Sweet thing. So much fun to be near her and watch her grow up.

Adorableness to the nines.

Runt-Runt watching the rain and the grass move in the breeze.
BY THE WAY. My name suggestion for Runt was Captain Jack. I was out-voted.

He's got some African in him. He is such a sweet cat.

Bath tiiiiime!! This was fun, because obviously, Emily is always giving the bath, and can't have soapy-sudsy hands and hold her camera and watch G at the same time! So I had fun clicking away.
She is like the perfect imitation of a Kewpie doll. If you have no idea what I'm talking about.....it is because your grandmother or your mother never told you. Because oh my word. Look.

So stinkin' cute.

"Hiiii Georgia!!" .... "Hi Mama!"

A Mama's hands. So amazed over how God has blessed my dear friend.

Yawn! So tired!

All done!

Oh my gosh. Her smooshed grin hidden in the towel.

Those arm rolls!!

So happy.

Emily & Ben are so photogenic, and G completely inherited it.

Mohawk baby. Hahahaha. The look on her face cracked us up SO much!!

"I have no idea what they have done with my hair, but I'm so happy I don't care..."

"Ok. I'm done with this hair thing now. Time for cuddles, kisses and night-night."

Auntie Jean Marie and Georgia Rose.

And here are some "raw" clips filmed on my camera, of Georgia's day! :D
She and Emily were THE best possible "therapy" I could ask for that day. Such a sweet, relaxing, special, normal day. It did my heart a load of good to just unload my whole heart onto someone. :)
Well, back in July, the 24th, to be exact, I had been having a super stressful and emotional week. So what did I do? I wrote Emily and asked if she would like a visit, and if I could help with projects around the house, and for Georgia's upcoming 1st birthday party, and sweetly....she said YES.
So on a Wednesday morning, I drove over. And it was such a great day. We went to Publix and bought Nutella and then ate it with crackers and ate it without crackers, and watched Behind the Scenes of the Lion King, and watched Simon's Cat and watched amazed as Georgia right away grew extremely excited about the cats on the screen, took photos of G having a super splashy bath time after dinner, played around with my GoPro with the cats, and playing with Georgia .... I came away so blessed and with a heart so full in the very best way.
We shared and talked and blinked back tears sometimes, and just vented. Then we'd laugh hysterically and just say it how it is, and then we'd be quiet...and start all over again on the next topic. I just flat out love being best friends with Emily. She's the bomb diggity. She's such a sweet little sassy pants.
Ok. On to the photos!! :D
G was all of 10 months when I took these photos, now she is 11 months! And in a few weeks, she will be 1 year! It makes me get all melty and possibly head towards a meltdown over how fast she's grown up.

You know I can resist a lot of things, but not a giraffe diaper. Nope. Not that. So insaaanely cute.

I mean, she comes by the cuteness honestly, but holy cow. LOOK AT HER. mmmmhmm.

Emily playing with Oliver....

"Do you want to come see Ollie, baby?"

"We are allowed under the table? Well this is fun..."

Yep, the light was crazy-sweet.


Blowing bubbles. (she's wearing the diaper still, I promise)

"Hmmm. Your camera looks different from Mama's...."

That tongue!!

Told you. Giraffe patookey.

Oh my heart.

Those sweet little feet.

Climbing the stairs!!

Oh, that wrinkled brow of concentration.

She was playing with a box on the floor.....

.... when suddenly she spied her Mama.
If that doesn't make your heart melt, you might not be alive. LOVE. that face.

"Shoes! Putting on our shoes!! Going to Publix for Nutella!"
By the way, I bought that shirt-dress for G from Janie and Jack and I adore it. Obviously.

Doll baby.

Reading nursery rhymes to Georgia later that afternoon.

I love every single minute with her.

But I'm not sure she understood why I started laughing hysterically at the nursery rhymes. I couldn't even read straight! She kept looking at me like "Yes. I know these. Why are you laughing about it?" Hahahahaha.

Sweet thing. So much fun to be near her and watch her grow up.

Adorableness to the nines.

Runt-Runt watching the rain and the grass move in the breeze.
BY THE WAY. My name suggestion for Runt was Captain Jack. I was out-voted.

He's got some African in him. He is such a sweet cat.

Bath tiiiiime!! This was fun, because obviously, Emily is always giving the bath, and can't have soapy-sudsy hands and hold her camera and watch G at the same time! So I had fun clicking away.
She is like the perfect imitation of a Kewpie doll. If you have no idea what I'm talking about.....it is because your grandmother or your mother never told you. Because oh my word. Look.

So stinkin' cute.

"Hiiii Georgia!!" .... "Hi Mama!"

A Mama's hands. So amazed over how God has blessed my dear friend.

Yawn! So tired!

All done!

Oh my gosh. Her smooshed grin hidden in the towel.

Those arm rolls!!

So happy.

Emily & Ben are so photogenic, and G completely inherited it.

Mohawk baby. Hahahaha. The look on her face cracked us up SO much!!

"I have no idea what they have done with my hair, but I'm so happy I don't care..."

"Ok. I'm done with this hair thing now. Time for cuddles, kisses and night-night."

Auntie Jean Marie and Georgia Rose.

And here are some "raw" clips filmed on my camera, of Georgia's day! :D
She and Emily were THE best possible "therapy" I could ask for that day. Such a sweet, relaxing, special, normal day. It did my heart a load of good to just unload my whole heart onto someone. :)
SO thankful. Thank you for having me, Emily!
I love you three sooooo much.
With love always,
~ Jean Marie ~
Love, love, LOVED everything in this post. I'm going to be completely honest. My daughter is adorable.