Sludgy sand driving skills-

I have a sweet ride.

I have never driven my sweet ride through mass amounts of sludgy, slippery, rutted, chunky sand with mass amounts of 1' to 2' deep puddles that stretched from one side of the completely unpaved road to the other, in the middle of the country all by my lonesome.

Until today. *cue dramatic music*

Actually, cue some country, say ... "Where I come from" -

Between praying and learning how to drive in said ... umm - sand, I think that I have marvelously taught myself some valuable lessons ... like: always remember to smile and wave to the dudes in the Huge Country Truck, because as my dad told me later..."they probably will be the ones pulling you out and laughing", and "don't accelerate in water until you actually feel some traction", and don't ever EVER drive back there at night or actually in the middle of a rainstorm, because you will be scared, lost and .... umm ... stuck.
(and most likely without your wellies)

And that is all I have to say about that.

Hello, adorable road that brought me joy today....

I'm pretty 99.1% (the .9% is the common sense that they weren't) sure that the cows were laughing hysterically at me when I took that first puddle on with a ferociousness that scared the living daylights out of that happy egret on the side of the road, with the Country music goin', and my side windows rolled. all. the. way. down.

*pause for dramatic effect*

(picture water going UP, and water coming IN)

After I stopped laughing so hard I was losing control of the ... umm... wheel... (I wonder if Mom will read this), I took a towel and wiped off the passenger seat that had water all over it, and thanked God that the camera was in my lap, and not in that seat.

In a very small way, I now understand how muddin' is so much crazy fun ... but I'm not sure I'll try it in my sweet ride anytime soon!!! :D

This is what it sounded like ... me going through a puddle:

Me: (singing) "cornbread and chicken...front porch sittin!!"
Car: "vroom" (enters sludgy puddle and sort of slip slides around)
Me: "Oh. Umm. Haha....hah....heh."
Car: SSSSHFWIIIISHHH! (through the puddle)
Car: SCHRrrVROOM (like being in a boat right about now)
Me: oh ... "Dear God, please don't let me get stuck..."
Car: Chunketa Chunketa (through the chunky sand)
Me: "YAY! Thank you Lord!!!" HAHAHAHHAA, look at the windows!!
Car: tissssshhhhh (drives on splattering sand)
Me: (looks ahead at the 5 more puddles and curves)
"heh, oh my. I wonder how long this road goes?"

... in case you were wondering, between the bouts of prayer and hysterical laughter ... the road apparently runs parallel to a State Road, and goes on for MILES....and yes, I WAS alone. :)

Signing out ... this Country Girl at heart ...
that is probably not too brilliant for her sandy jaunt to the
"outback" this afternoon ... with love,
~ Jean Marie ~
Psalm 103


  1. This gave me such a laugh!!!!!!

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those backroads are awesome.......

    We need to borrow my older bro's big jacked up truck sometime...methinks. :P :P


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