My 27th Birthday -

On Sunday, June 28th, 2015, I turned 27!!! 

Like, whoa. Where did the years go. Hahaha. 

It was the day after Libby's wedding, and so I woke up with wedding hair, and felt like I'd been run over multiple times by a milk truck. All that dancing and standing for 14 hours. I kept stiffly moving and groaning and saying "I feel 87 instead of 27!!!". ;) 

It was such a beautiful, relaxing, lovely day. We went to church in the morning, where I was stampeded by my little church friends/children with hugs and well wishes, and for our Sunday School lesson we read our favorite chapters from Job. When I got home, I found they had snuck a Happy Birthday card into my purse. They are the darlingest. 

It was so nice of SpaceX to launch a rocket on my birthday, but then it had the audacity to blow up 2 minutes after liftoff. I SEE HOW IT IS. I sat there in church, giggling with excitement over hearing the rumbling just after worship ended. I really enjoyed how long it lasted, but thought it was super weird and "off" how it rumbled AGAIN and louder. So. That was it blowing up. Fan-tastic. 

Here's my super happy face at all the well-wishes, love, messages, texts, calls, voicemails (Libby & Andrew called FROM THEIR HONEYMOON to say Happy Birthday, what. haha), and sweetness that all my friends and family poured on me. It's such an encouragement to hear people's hearts towards you. I needed it so much!! 

And here's my Birthday present to myself......from myself....from The Vintage Pearl. LOVE IT. 
I mean, Mama & Daddy bought it. I just ordered it and everything. ;) It's a Vintage Spoon Ring! 

Really all I wanted to do on my birthday was spend time swimming and sunning at the beach. 

So that's what I did! Kim & I went together, and met Cam and Becca, and the last hour, Matt.

I hadn't been to the beach the whole month of June because it was so busy, and I can't tell you how my soul was longing for it. It truly is my place of peace, and I love being reminded of how deep, how wide, how forever....Jesus loves us like the ocean. 

It was a perfect day to swim. I took my GoPro and got these shots. Love.

Floating in bliss. 


The view while floating. Mmmmm. 

So beautiful. 

Swimming, flipping, turning, diving, skimming. I love this water world. 

Whitest of white foam. 

I swam by myself and it was lovely.

So clear. 

No words.

Ah, Florida. You are so splendorous. 

Three words of whispered bliss "Thank you, Jesus.".

And that was my beautiful, super sweet day of turning 27! Here's to many more like it. 

Thank you for all the love!!! 

With joy,
~ Jean Marie ~ 
