Five Minute Friday: Free -

Five Minute Friday -

Today's prompt: Free:

 ~ Go ~ 

I have 5 minutes to write about "free" and I have no words. 

Free is always a feeling, a good feeling. Sure, it's rights and America, and feeling the loss of that sometimes. 

But mostly it's a feeling. 

Windows down, hair whipping and wisping across my face, music playing, driving alone - free. 
Plunging into the ocean and coming up on the other side of a wave - blissful and free. 
Shooting the barrel between a concrete barrier and a semi trailer going 75 and surviving - free. 
Trailing my hand through water while I float in the sea - free. 
Flying 30,000 feet above America in my own happy world - free. 
Writing at my desk, words all for me, just for me - free. 

Free is the opposite word of trapped

Sometimes we can get trapped in the guilt of our sins, the shame and pain bogs us down in the mud. 
We flip back through the mustiness of the pages in the book we've written for ourselves and cry. 

Free is Someone named Jesus taking that book out of your hands, throwing it into a bonfire, leading you to the ocean.....

You take a deep breath, plunge in,
ask for mercy and forgiveness under a wave so blue you can't define,
and then, GASP - up - AIR - bliss! - FREE. 

~ Stop ~ 

With love always,
~ Jean Marie ~ 


  1. Free is indeed named Jesus. Thanks for this lovely post.

    Here from FMF.


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