Merry Christmas to Myself -

I just unwrapped my big Christmas gift. Hey, I know it's early, but I even waited 10 days to open it, okay? Life has been SO busy with photoshoots and pictures and I knew once I opened it, I'd be gone for days with absolutely nothing on my mind except learning how to use it. So I waited, and Lauren fidgeted and my dad squirmed and asked a few dozen times when I was going to open it. haha. 

Sure enough, I opened it and walked around the house with it in giddiness. haha. Now I can't put it down, or let it out of my sight....oh wait. It is in the dining room right now. That's okay. It's only....12 feet away. I bought it refurbished from B&H, like I did with my d90, and I just bought the body, and I got it for a great price! I just sold my d90 body to my Dad's coworker, and so that cut the price of my d7000 in half!!! So thankful and excited and life will be perfect.....once I figure out how to turn Auto-Bracket off, because my Manual self will go insanely crazy in 3...2...1 seconds shooting like that. Haha! 

I've been wanting to upgrade for about 10 months now, and I've been watching this d7000 in the Refurbished department of B&H for about a month and praying about it. I don't like to just buy things that I want instantly, I want to be wise about it! But I really felt like I've outgrown the d90, and once you start feeling like that, you are ready for something more capable. Plus, now that I'm shooting a whole lot more for other people, I want to be able to handle the best!! I'm super excited and happy. :D 

So Merry Christmas to .... myself. From...myself!! 
"Merry Christmas, self!!!" - "Well, thank you, self, Merry Christmas to you too." 

Oh and because I'm the secret keeper of all big news things (apparently), I'm leaving tomorrow morning with Molly for a roadtrip from FL to Illinois, from my house to her house! In her car.....traveling for 2 days just the two of us and our cameras and tons of music and snacks.....ROADTRIP!!!! So stoked. Then I'm staying with her and with Shelby (aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!) for a few days in the absolute FRIGID weather they have, and then I'm flying home on Thursday night, and Daddy will pick me up, we will go see The Hobbit at the midnight showing with lots of friends, drive home at 3am, and then I have a wedding that night to attend. 

HAHAHAHAHa. Yeah, I'm so busy that I think my brain has stopped working. Oh and did I mention I have a piano recital tonight, too? Yes, yes, yes. haha. 

Alrighty. I should go pack now. Love y'all!!
~ Jean Marie ~ 


  1. YAY! You opened it! :D Enjoy it! And have a wonderful road trip. See you on the Hobbit's opening night!


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