Colorado Part II -

Colorado. Its beauty completely awed and captured my gaze, my third trip in my lifetime, and I was blown away by the beauty of God's creation all over again. :)

Many times I found myself wandering around outside, no plan in mind .... just to be outside in the amazing cool or breezy air, the crunchy dirt, the thin grass, the waving wheatgrass, the rustling pines, the sound of the wind as it moved up and over and around everything ... so differently than it does here in Florida. Everything new, different and beautiful.

We so enjoyed our trip, even though I caught a cold, and Momma had a 3-day headache ..."these present sufferings" were nothing in the light of the joy we had there. :)

I loved being out in the stillness, alone, with just TIME to do nothing for a few minutes. It was so glorious to have nothing to do except be outside!!

My hair often tumbles down and around and into the picture, so this time I just let it ... I love the way it weaves around itself, and my boots in the background against the brown grasses.

The Colorado Rockies. Taken from a hill in Monument.

"The Truck", this old Chevy truck had a Montana plate, and I saw it twice, as we drove around downtown Monument .... I just loved the color and the ruggedness of it. :)

No matter the cold, I love to be in bare feet ....
Blue Jeans, Bare feet and grass stains. :) Pretty much sums up my outside time.

Momma Dear and I. Two days before we left, the evening light was glorious, and we took a few shots, I'm so glad we did, because they look so pretty! I will always love any Momma/Daughter shots we have. :) It was wonderful being in CO together!

The beautiful, glorious and long sunset over the midwest US from our plane window ... what a sweet sweet reminder of the beauty of Christ in all that He has made and has done!!
and so ... we are home. As of Tuesday night, we are home. :)

We had such a wonderful, blessed time in Colorado, thank you, P. family!!
Congratulations to David, Desiree and Ian .... we love you all so very very much.

Last night I sat all curled up in my airplane seat, wrapped in my Ocean-colored shawl, gazing out at the setting sun, the splashes of ponds seemed like golden tears to me, the lakes and streams on fire from the sun, deepening into darkness of night with lit cities and vast expanses of dark forests of trees .... and I sang. I ran through the list of songs that have meant the most to me over the past 12 months, have comforted me the most.

I sang softly and with the knowledge that God is our Father.

I could not help but reflect on the year past, and all the pain and grief and sorrow it has held, and the faithfulness of our God as Father, as Comforter, as Unchangeable Savior.

Being still, wrapped up in His arms of love, enveloped in it completely ...
just like I was wrapped in my shawl. The parallel was stark, and it was pure comfort.

How very very grateful I am to the Father who lovest us so!!!
With love to you all,
~ Jean Marie ~


  1. Once again, a beautiful post Jean! :-) I LOVE Colorado! I'm so glad you had such a nice time there. Your pictures are lovely, and the last part of the post brought tears to my eyes.
    I hope you are having a wonderful week friend-who-I-only-sort-of-met-once. :-)


  2. Oh, it sounds as though you had a very wonderful and blessed time! I have been to Colorado once, and it is beautiful!! :)
    Thank you for sharing the pictures... I love the photograph of you and your dear mother. **sweetness**
    Have a blessed day, dear friend!

    Your Lil' Sister In Christ,

  3. Oh, the pictures are so lovely! Colorado looks beautiful, I now I desire to visit it! I am glad that the Lord blessed you with a peaceful and enjoyable trip, and that He has brought you home safely. May His love abide in your heart always....

    In Christ,


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