My Project 52 {Week 5 & 6} -
{Week 5} Our breezy Saturday evening at the marina, January 31, 2015.
Becs & I had a great time fishing, even though all the fish were sleeping. ;) Silly fish.
{Week 6} Feb. 7, 2015, My shopping basket today - all ready to make lemon truffles for Valentines!
One of the million reasons I never want to move out of the South is because of Publix, our grocery store. It's the greatest.
I keep forgetting to lug my camera places!! I don't take it fishing, 'cause I'm covered in bait & stuff, and I don't take it to Publix because......I got yelled at once with Emily & Lauren because the worker thought I was taking pictures for Publix competitors, which I WASN'T.
C'est la vie.
So these are both iPod Touch pics, I'm gonna try to get more with my camera in the weeks to come!
Hope y'all's February is going splendidly.
With love always,
~ Jean Marie ~
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