Jas Is Getting Married -

Once upon a time, I became friends online with Jasmine Baucham. I'm not sure how it happened, but through some hilarious conversation involving Darby, we became friends. Funny how life works out that way. 

And then last April, Jasmine was in FL for the 2013 National Gospel Coalition Conference. Darby and I were so ecstatic that she was within driving distance of us that we went to Orlando to take her out to a birthday dinner. We actually ended up eating there at the resort, laughing hysterically at the hipsters and tourists walking by the restaurant, talking about all adventures we'd been having recently, and you know, me choking on food because I was laughing so hard about awkward conversations that kept coming up. 

It was all very reminiscent of my first conversation with Darby. Hysterical tears of laughter. And then we went out to walk the resort grounds where we MET JOSH HARRIS. (is this even real life!?) It was unreal and SO cool. He was so humble and amazed to be meeting a Baucham and a Sproul. I was like "I'm friends with the famous people." HAHAHHAA. We joked about "being famous" for about 10 minutes with him, and then we all got pictures together....my pastor's wife actually took this picture. 

I'm bringing all this up because the vibrant, special, hilarious, sweet honey chile Jasmine is getting married to Phillip, the extremely-good-looking-love of her life. And I? I am getting up uncharacteristically early tomorrow morning, boarding a plane and FLYING TO TEXAS TO GO TO HER WEDDING. I'm surreally and over the top excited. Which being me - yeah. A lot. 

I'll know exactly 5 people there. I can't even wait. 

Jasmine wrote me about a month ago and this ensued: 

There's a whole lot more happy details to the story, including me staying with a sweet host family that has been warned of the chaotic joy that is descending upon them, and how God was so kind to fill in the exceptionally crazy details, but that needs to come at another time because I'm writing when I'm supposed to be packing because I'm leaving in 16 hours.

Oh, and Jasmine met Phillip at the same conference that we met up at, the same one we met Josh Harris at, the same one we had dinner at and ice cream, the same one Alistair Begg smiled at me, the same one I identified Jasmine from a huge foyer away, and might have screamed and hugged the breath out of her. Because you know, it was the first time we'd actually met and all. 

So basically, I'm up for hiring if you want to attend a conference with me, you know, if you'd like to get married soon. No biggie.  

So farewell Florida and hello Texas. For a whole whopping 2.5 days of joy. Hahahhaa. 

With love always, one of the most happy and excitable people on the planet,
~ Jean Marie ~
