My 2016 Reading List -
I thought it'd be fun to share what books I read in 2016!
Looking back, 7 books doesn't really seem that many, but many of them were hundreds of pages thick,
so I think that helps spread them out a lot. And as you might be able to tell,
I found the NASA section of my library, and the autobiographies (my favorite!)
1. Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters by Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III
I found the NASA section of my library, and the autobiographies (my favorite!)
1. Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters by Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III
2. It's What I Do: A Photographer's Life of Love and War by Lynsey Addario
Terrifying at times. Loved the photojournalist stories. Four stars.
3. Pipe Dreams: A Surfer's Journey by Kelly Slater
Kelly Slater grew up in Daytona Beach (just 30 mins from my house), so I loved his
"Growing up in Florida" stories and his surfing stories had me longing for the ocean. 4 stars.
4. An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield
Probably cried a lot during this one more than most people. LOVED it. 5 stars.
5. Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond by Gene Kranz
More crying. Daddy, upon seeing my book "Genie Kranz!". Household name for a space family.
SOOO so good. Loved reading so many details about the early space race.
I read some of the stories aloud to Daddy and we were crying laughing. Easy 5 stars.
6. Marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller
Hard to read at times for a single girl, makes you wistful!
So much wisdom though. 4.5 stars.
7. A Reporter's Life by Walter Cronkite
I was crying laughing in the first chapter. I LOVE journalism, and have always loved Cronkite.
An amazing legacy and great reporting, back when most reporting wasn't sensationalism. 5 stars.
I'm so looking forward to taking the time to read even more in 2017!
I've already started on another space autobiography that Mariah gave me for Christmas!
And I'm excited to read the stack of books I bought at Ligonier.
- Jean Marie -
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