My Project 52 {Week 29} -

{Week 29} July 12, 2016 ~ Cow Appreciation Day at Chick Fil A ~ iPod photo

Mama & Judy & I went to Chick Fil A dressed like *adorable* cows and got our free sandwiches! 
It was SO.MUCH.FUN. I loved every minute of it. 

Pulling off being a cow for a day really isn't that hard when you have cows
 at the end of your streetand trade "Moo's" with them on a daily basis. 
Plus, I loved making people laugh the rest of the dayafter I refused to take off my spots. 

*People staring* 
Me with a wide grin: "MOO." 
*People laughing* 

Oh Happy Days. 

- JM - 
