My Project 52 {Week 10} -

{Week 10} March 2, 2015 - My gorgeous friend, Paulina. 

On Monday, I had the extremely fun time of shooting a solo portrait session for Paulina in Winter Park! Thankfully, since we are best friends, I texted her and asked if I could use this photo for my Project 52, and she said yes! All of my real photography goes on my website & isn't included here due to client privileges & preferences. ;)

Honestly, this is hands down one of my favorite photographs I've ever taken.
She is stunning, and I love everything about it.

We had such a hilariously fun and laid back time shooting her pictures, and it's easy to remember that joy when I look at those pictures.
Love her and am so excited for her as she works her way through residency in med school!!

With love,
~ Jean Marie ~ 
