I've been keeping a secret for 8 days, a super big happy secret. 
Well today is Secret Announcement Day!!!



There are a million happy details that I can't wait to share, but here's a little story for you.
Visiting China has been my #1 dream for years upon years. 
2 weeks ago, I was driving and praying, and suddenly I thought seriously:
"Stop overthinking and being scared, and just DO." 

I talked extensively with my dear friend Laurie
(who has been to China twice to adopt their little boys) about going and all the plans, and then ... 
on Friday the 16th of October 2015, I went online and applied for a missions trip to China. 

I didn't expect to hear back from them until the next week, but at midnight of that Friday, 
I checked my e-mail one more time....and found an acceptance letter. 
I promptly burst into overwhelmed and happy tears. 


It's the most exciting of happinesses to know that God has plans for little ole' me, 
and that includes CHINA. I'm so happy I get to see this land and the children I've prayed so much for.

Here's the details! 

WHEN: March 10-20, 2016 (10 days)
WHERE: Shaanxi, China
WITH WHO: America World Adoption Storyteller Missions (group of 15) 
WHY: Because God loves the orphans and calls us to visit them and minister to them. 
HOW MUCH MANDARIN DO YOU KNOW: 4 phrases (hahahahaha)

I'll be talking about this....uhh....nonstop, so there'll be many more details and news to share, but, y'all
I've cried approximately 100 times of pure joy since last week. 
My dreams are full and my heart is overwhelmed. 
I'm finally getting to live out this amazing dream of mine.

I'M GOING TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!! 

{Please do keep me in your prayers as I raise support and prepare my heart - 
We leave in 137 days!!!!!

With love always,
~ Jean Marie ~ 
